Kratom Stomach Ulcers -

Each year, about 350,000 new cases of peptic ulcers are diagnosed in the United States. Duodenal ulcers are diagnosed four times as often as gastric ulcers.

According to research, there are approximately 3000 deaths due to duodenal ulcers and 3,000 to gastric ulcers in the United States each year. Most patients with stomach ulcers are looking for better alternatives for treating or managing the condition.

Kratom has been a go-to product for most people with ulcers. But what is the kratom stomach ulcers relationship? In this article, we have detailed more about kratom stomach ulcers to help you enjoy the product without experiencing any undesirable effects.

Best Vendors for Kratom, updated on March 2022:

  1. New Dawn Kratom – Amazingly Strong and Fresh Kratom with Prices starting from $16/250g.
  2. Kratom Crazy – Our old #1 for Kratom, but they had to close their shop for now 🙁
  3. Starlight Kratom – Good and Strong Kratom, as good as our other two picks, but more expensive, that's why they only got #3 on our list.

Stomach Ulcers: What are they and what causes them?

A wide range of factors cause sores on the lining of the stomach called gastric ulcers. In non-technical language, ulcers are a result of the upper layer of the stomach's lining being removed. If left untreated, stomach ulcers can lead to total stomach destruction. In addition to the stomach, ulcers can also form in any section of the intestine.

Duodenal ulcers are a form of ulcer that occurs in the lining of the digestive tract. Health experts sometimes use Peptic ulcers to refer to both duodenal and stomach ulcers. As mentioned earlier, stomach ulcers are caused by damage to the stomach layer that serves as a barrier between stomach acid and the stomach lining. Infection caused by the (H. pylori) Helicobacter pylori bacteria is the most common cause of damage to this layer. Toxic effects on this layer have been reported with the use of aspirin and ibuprofen, both of which are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines.

The following are some of the most prevalent indications and symptoms of stomach ulcers:

  • Intense cramping in the lower abdomen
  • Indigestion
  • Severe heartburn
  • Having a sick feeling
  • Loss of weight
  • Having a nagging pain in the stomach

Kratom stomach ulcer

Kratom is an evergreen tree that thrives in the Southeast Asia region in areas like Indonesia, Thailand, and Papua New Guinea. Its scientific name is Mitragyna speciosa. Since ancient times, people in Southeast Asian countries have used Kratom to treat a wide range of diseases and medical concerns such as chronic pain, diarrhea, exhaustion, and muscle aches.

Western countries are beginning to take notice as well, thanks to the numerous medicinal applications and health benefits that the product offers. Kratom has gained popularity as a powerful painkiller and stimulant in Western countries.

Most people take their dose of kratom with potentiators such as orange juice or lemon juice. The potentiators are rich in citric acid, which can result in undesirable effects if you have stomach ulcers or acid reflux.

When citric acids (like lemon juice) are coupled with the body's natural acids, they can wreak havoc on the mucosa of the stomach (the mucous membrane that protects the stomach). The stomach's protective membrane protects the stomach's wall from direct contact with digestive acids. A lack of gastric mucosa results in direct contact between stomach acid and the lining of the stomach, which can result in an ulcer. Irritation and pain occur when citric acid comes into touch with the ulcer.

However, consuming kratom increases your risk of experiencing stomach acid if you have a history of indigestion or acid reflux. Is it safe to consume kratom if my stomach hurts due to ulcers? This is a common question on various kratom communities including Reddit.

Fortunately, you can consume your preferred kratom variety and enjoy its pain-relieving effects among other benefits. However, kratom experts recommend users with stomach ulcers eat something before taking kratom to prevent acid damage to the stomach and avoid reflux. To avoid the undesirable effects of taking kratom after eating, wait for at least 30 minutes before dosing on the product. Wait for the kratom effects to peak then take an antacid.

Cimetidine, an antacid drug, is a well-known kratom enhancer. Cimetidine is an inhibitor of the enzyme cytochrome P450, which breaks down kratom alkaloids. Kratom's effects are amplified when taken with cimetidine. You will also safeguard your stomach and avoid the creation of ulcers while you're doing it.

How Does Kratom Treat Stomach Ulcers?

To determine whether kratom can help with induced gastric ulcers and reflux esophagitis, researchers used adult male rats that were infected with gastric ulcers and reflux esophagitis in 2018, a study examined methanolic kratom extracts' gastroprotective effects.

Rats that were given 200 mg/kg of methanolic kratom extract also experienced a large reduction in ulcer indexes and total acid content in their stomachs, indicating that the traditional use of kratom for treating digestive issues may be correct. Nevertheless, more research is needed to draw clear conclusions about kratom's interaction with the digestive system.

Even though Kratom is not proven to be an effective treatment for stomach ulcers, some symptoms can be alleviated by the herb. A new study found that Kratom can arrest the progression of stomach ulcers by protecting the stomach lining from additional damage. If you have a stomach ulcer that causes severe stomach pain, Kratom may be of use to you. Below are some of the ways that kratom can help with stomach ulcers.

Kratom alleviates stomachache

As you already know, kratom has analgesic properties, like opioids. This can be quite efficient in relieving ulcer-related stomach pain. Kratom contains over 40 alkaloids, but the most active alkaloids are Mitragynine and 7-Hydroxymitragynine, which give it its analgesic properties. In the brain, both of these alkaloids bind to opioid receptors to block pain transmission to the rest of the body. As a result, the body begins to experience a reduction in pain levels. Kratom's analgesic properties are strong and long-lasting. Although Kratom is known for relieving pain, it also has calming and relaxing effects on the body because of its active alkaloids.

Protects the stomach lining from additional injury with Kratom

Even after Kratom has entered the body, it can help protect the stomach lining from additional harm. Kratom leaf extract is very beneficial in this regard. Patients with stomach ulcers may benefit greatly from Kratom extract, according to kratom experts. Kratom's methanolic extract can lessen stomach ulcers.

Because of its reaction to stomach HCl (hydrochloric acid), it creates a past structure that adheres to the protein surface of ulcers to form stable, insoluble complexes that protect the stomach lining from more harm. However, there is minimal scientific evidence in this area. Clinical trials are still ongoing to confirm more about the potential of kratom.

Kratom Stomach Ulcer Pain: How Do You Treat It?

There are a few things you can do to alleviate kratom stomach ulcer pain:

Taking Plenty of Fluids

Dehydration is a common cause of Kratom stomach ulcer pain. However, we also lose a lot of water through sweat and urine. Thus, we must constantly replenish our water reserves to maintain our bodies operating at their peak efficiency. However, research shows that most people do not drink enough water. The average daily water intake in the United States is less than half of what the government recommends.

You can avoid kratom stomach ulcer pain by consuming the correct amount of water. At this rate, you will need eight glasses of water each day. Drink additional water if you consume foods or beverages that dehydrate you. If you work out, do the same.

You do not even need to be thirsty to stay hydrated; you simply need to make it a habit. This may help with nausea and vomiting that can occur with using Kratom.

Increase Your Consumption of Fiber and Probiotics.

Using Kratom could only be causing more harm than good to your body. Your digestive system may be malfunctioning, and fiber and probiotics may be able to alleviate the discomfort you're experiencing.

Gut flora, the healthy bacteria found in your stomach, aids digestion and nutrition absorption. Sugar consumption and probiotic use are examples of dietary choices that might negatively impact gut flora.

Aside from assisting a waste to bond with water, fiber also fertilizes the gut flora and regulates blood sugar, and lowers the absorption of fat, all of which serve to improve this condition.

Live probiotic bacteria, on the other hand, maintain a healthy balance of intestinal bacteria. This will help your body properly break down and absorb nutrients from your meals and other sources.

Taking Kratom When You're Hungry Is Not a Good Idea

If you have a stomach ulcer, when you take Kratom on an empty stomach, you may experience stomach pain. This is due to the high potency of most Kratom strains.

Consider switching to taking Kratom after a meal instead of taking it on an empty stomach so you can determine whether the pain subsides.

The best way to take Kratom for if you have ulcers

Kratom is available in a variety of forms, including capsules, tinctures, and gums, as well as liquid extracts. However, the powder form is the most common among users. This is because there are various ways to consume kratom powder including, mixing with food, beverage, toss, and wash, among other consumption techniques. After drying the leaves of kratom, the product is finely ground into powder.

All types of Kratom have the same effects, but you must use the correct dosage. If you are looking to get the most out of your Kratom experience, finding the right dosage is key. Kratom's optimal dosage is between 2 and 6 grams. Due to the severe sedative effects of Kratom, do not attempt to take more than 6 grams at a time.

Can you take Kratom on an empty stomach when suffering from ulcers?

With an empty stomach, kratom will have a quicker and more effective effect on the body. While it is possible to experience stomach troubles or nausea if you take kratom on an empty stomach, this is not always the case. Kratom experts highly encourage kratom consumption after taking a light meal such as yogurt, banana, or smoothie. As a result, you will be taking care of your digestive system and preventing any problems. Because the alkaloids in kratom are absorbed more slowly when taken with a full stomach, you may need to take a little higher dose. For instance, if your normal dose is 2 grams, you can add between 0.5 and 1 gram of the product to your regular dose

When it comes to keeping kratom out of your digestive system, consuming dairy items such as cheese or milk can be helpful. According to nutrition experts, dairy products form a protective barrier in the stomach.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to take kratom with stomach ulcers?

Yes! However, you need to take the product after eating. Ensure to take a light meal 30 minutes before ingesting your preferred kratom variety. The meal will help cover the stomach lining before taking kratom.

Which is the best way to take kratom if you have stomach ulcers?

Kratom is available in a variety of forms, including capsules, tinctures, pastes, and gums, as well as liquid extracts. Kratom powder is one of the best ways to take the product if you have stomach ulcers. You can add kratom powder to any beverage, or food.

Which is the right kratom dosage for stomach ulcers?

If you are looking to get the most out of your Kratom experience, taking the right dosage is key. Kratom's optimal dosage is between 2 and 6 grams. Due to the severe sedative effects of Kratom, do not attempt to take more than 6 grams at a time.

Final Thoughts

Aside from providing relief from stomach pain, kratom can also prevent the stomach lining from future harm. You can use any Kratom variety, but ensure to take the recommended dosage.

Also, ensure to take quality kratom from a GMP-certified vendor. A good place to start is New Dawn Kratom where we sell a wide range of kratom strains in different forms. Place your order today and enjoy the product even when suffering from stomach ulcers.


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