Best Portable Oxygen Concentrators Of 2022 – Forbes Health - Forbes

There are numerous features to consider when choosing a portable oxygen concentrator, but there are a few particularly important details to think about when browsing your options.

Oxygen Delivery Modes

While stationary oxygen concentrators deliver a continuous flow of oxygen, portable devices can either provide a continuous flow or a pulse mode, explains Bacheler. Pulse mode POCs can only be used by those using nasal cannulas who have enough breathing power to trigger the device to deliver a pulse of oxygen. People with tracheostomies (a surgical opening in the neck into the trachea) or very poor breathing ability need a continuous flow POC. Some POCs feature both pulse dose and continuous flow settings.

It's also important to consider the amount of oxygen needed, says Bacheler. Pulse mode POCs can typically deliver 1 to 6 liters of oxygen per minute, though some small ones are limited to 3 liters per minute. Continuous flow POCs can only provide 1 to 3 liters of oxygen per minute.

Battery Life

Batteries on pulse mode POC devices have a much longer life than those on continuous flow concentrators, according to Bacheler.

All portable concentrators have a car charger, he notes, but airplanes don't "have enough power to operate a POC, so the user needs to have enough batteries to operate the POC for the duration of a flight." Many airlines require passengers to have enough battery life for 150% of a planned flight time as a safety precaution to avoid emergencies. If you use a continuous flow portable oxygen concentrator, that could mean traveling with an additional 20 to 30 pounds of batteries, says Bacheler.

Size and Weight

Portable oxygen concentrators range in weight from about 5 to 20 pounds, says Bacheler. Smaller concentrators have a lower oxygen capacity, so it's usually best to opt for a larger device if you need a lot of supplemental oxygen. Consider how often you travel and what size would best fit your lifestyle. If you frequently fly on airplanes, make sure the device you're considering is approved for air travel before you purchase it.


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