Day in the life of a William Backus Hospital ultrasound supervisor - Norwich Bulletin

Most people reading this story probably have had an ultrasound taken sometime in their lives. Shannon DeVega, RDMS (AB,OB/Gyn, BR) is the ultrasound supervisor at The William W. Backus Hospital.

She loves her job, she said.

The 45-year-old Norwich resident starts her day at the Norwich hospital between 6:30 and 7 a.m. On Mondays she comes in early to do the payroll so her staff can get paid. Her first job is plugging in and setting up four ultrasound machines in different exam rooms and one portable one in a hallway. She sips her coffee while doing some administrative work before seeing her first patient at 7:30 a.m.

She helps Kenneth Gero, 79, of Lisbon, out of a wheelchair and onto an exam table, gently lifting his legs. After some friendly small talk with Gero she gets to work. Images have to be taken of Gero's liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen and both kidneys.

She first applies some ultrasound gel to Gero's skin. This is used as a coupling medium to replace air between the transducer that she holds and is connected to the ultrasound machine. This is necessary as ultrasound waves have trouble traveling through air.

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One of the most common uses of ultrasound is during pregnancy, to monitor the growth and development of the fetus. Other uses include imaging the heart, blood vessels, eyes, thyroid, brain, breast, abdominal organs, skin and muscles.

DeVega will later give her findings to a hospital radiologist so she or he can determine what care the patient might need.

"I love my job," DeVega said. "Ultrasound is probably one of the more challenging in the radiological field because the doctor has to trust you completely. We are their eyes. I tell my patients it's kind of cool that I can see inside them without cutting them open. It's challenging and I love it."

In her 20 years at Backus, four as supervisor, she estimates she has taken over 50,000 ultrasounds. The hospital also has ultrasound units at the Backus Outpatient Care Center in Norwich and the Plainfield Emergency Care Center.

DeVega also performs ultrasounds on pregnant women and has seen triplets as well as many twin fetuses.

She said women find out the sex of the baby before they come to her because of blood tests for Down Syndrome and other potential problems. The sex chromosome is picked up from the blood work.

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"When they come to me they already know what they're having and they just want me to confirm it for them," she said.

They also do breast biopsy every day.

"Those women are extremely nervous," she said. "Everybody thinks they are going to be told they have cancer after the procedure. I hold their hands a lot. I believe touch is important. And if you can talk about something else like their kids or grandkids it helps."

After seeing her first patient she holds what she calls a "huddle" at 8 a.m. Fellow ultrasound technologists, radiologists, a registered nurse and front office workers meet her in a large office. They discuss the day's workflow, safety updates, COVID-19 cases that day and any other issues.

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"I've had a couple of moms bring their daughters in who want to do this job," she said. "I tell everyone who wants to be an ultrasound technician that it's a fantastic career. I tell them there's a difference between taking pictures and taking care of the patient. I love people who want to do the best job they can do. I encourage them to look into it. There are a lot more schools offering ultrasound now."

DeVega explained why she recommends this profession.

"You are constantly challenged," she said. "Your brain doesn't ever shut off. You have to try to figure out what you are looking at. Are you looking at something normal or abnormal? You have to put the puzzle pieces together. You have to take that knowledge and give the radiologists a good interpretation so they can give the patient the best care.

"It's a challenging field but by the end of the day, after a patient gets an ultrasound, and you have a finding that might save that patient's life, that's so rewarding."


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