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8 Possible Causes Of Testicular Pain, What To Know And When To See A Doctor

Testicular pain can have several causes, including a traumatic injury, kidney stones, a hernia, an infection, and various other health conditions. Some are minor, but others need urgent medical attention.

Testicular pain may be due to an injury or condition that has started in the testicles or groin, but in many cases, it has causes elsewhere in the body. A person may also experience testicular pain for reasons such as hernias, pinched nerves, or gastrointestinal issues.

Keep reading to learn about the possible causes of testicular pain and when to see a doctor.

Hernias occur when tissue pushes through a weak part of the abdominal muscles. An inguinal hernia is one type of hernia that can push into the scrotum, causing testicular pain and swelling.

Doctors may be able to reduce an inguinal hernia or push it back into place. However, a hernia will almost always require surgery (hernia repair).

Learn more about hernias.

Kidney stones can cause pain that radiates to the testicles. Doctors call this referred pain, which occurs beyond the area that is causing the problem.

Other symptoms that doctors may associate with kidney stones include:

Doctors may advise waiting for the kidney stones to pass. However, if a stone does not pass after some time or a person experiences symptoms of an infection, such as a fever or discharge, they should seek treatment as soon as possible.

Learn more about kidney stones.

Orchitis is an infection and inflammation of the testicles. Untreated epididymitis can lead to orchitis.

Symptoms of orchitis can include:

  • fatigue
  • fever
  • nausea
  • testicular pain
  • swelling in one or both testicles
  • vomiting
  • People should seek immediate treatment for orchitis. Sometimes, the pain can be so severe that it is similar to testicular torsion, which is a medical emergency.

    Learn more about orchitis.

    Testicular torsion is a serious medical condition that occurs when the spermatic cord twists, like a candy cane, and cuts off the blood supply to the testicle. The spermatic cord is the 'stalk' of the testicles that contains blood vessels and vas deferens. The vas deferens is the duct that transports sperm from the epididymis to the ejaculatory ducts before ejaculation.

    Symptoms that doctors associate with testicular torsion include:

  • nausea
  • redness or darkening of the scrotum
  • sudden, severe pain that occurs on one side of the scrotum
  • swelling in the scrotum
  • vomiting
  • The pain from testicular torsion is sometimes gradual. Some people with this condition experience pain that slowly worsens over several days.

    According to the American Urological Association, testicular torsion typically occurs on the left side more than the right.

    Learn more about testicular torsion.

    A testicular tumor can cause pain and swelling in the testicular area. Other symptoms may include:

  • a dull ache in the groin
  • a lump in the testicle
  • testicular swelling
  • Symptoms of a testicular tumor can resemble several other conditions that affect males, such as inguinal hernias and epididymitis. A doctor can help to diagnose the tumor or any underlying condition.

    Read about testicular cancer.

    A blow to the testicles can cause bruising, pain, and swelling. A testicle can also rupture or develop a hematocele. A hematocele occurs when blood pools around the testicle and presses on it, affecting blood flow.

    If a person has experienced a blow to the testicles and has pain and swelling, it is best to seek urgent medical attention.

    Varicoceles are abnormally large, dilated veins in the testicles. Sometimes, varicoceles do not cause symptoms.

    When they do, a person may notice testicular pain that worsens with physical activity or over the day. Varicoceles may also affect a person's fertility.

    Doctors do not know what causes varicoceles, but they can usually treat them with surgery.

    Most varicoceles are asymptomatic, and doctors often find them incidentally. If doctors do find them, they do not usually require treatment because the testicular pain usually results from something else.

    Learn more about varioceles.

    Children may experience pain in the testicles from trauma, often from sports or playing rough. However, testicular pain in teenagers and younger children can have the same causes as in adults.

    People should seek medical attention if their child complains of testicular pain. It can sometimes be a medical emergency that requires immediate treatment. It is better to discuss this with a healthcare professional and be cautious than to risk serious harm.

    Additional causes of testicle pain may include:

  • Diabetic neuropathy: This nerve damage due to diabetes can also cause pain in the testicles. Managing the underlying diabetes can resolve the problem.
  • Hydrocele: This is a fluid buildup that causes swelling of the scrotum. They typically affect babies but can impact males of any age. While they are generally painless, there may be pain from the swelling. In infants, the hydrocele will typically resolve on its own. In adults, surgery may be necessary.
  • Idiopathic testicular pain: This is where the testicular pain is due to an unknown cause. Treatment may include pain management while doctors investigate further.
  • Mumps: Most people with mumps recover quickly. However, males who get mumps after puberty can develop complications such as inflammation of the testicles.
  • Prostatitis: This is an infection or inflammation of the prostate. Treatment varies depending on the individual but can include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), muscle relaxants, or warm baths.
  • Scrotal masses: The treatment will vary depending on the cause of the mass. Some causes of scrotal masses include epididymitis and cancer.
  • Spermatocele: This is a fluid buildup in the testicle, also known as a spermatic cyst. These may not require treatment, but medications can ease the pain if they become too large.
  • Urinary tract infection: This is where bacteria enter the urinary tract, which includes the urethra, bladder, and kidneys. One symptom of the infection may be testicular pain. Sometimes, the infection may clear by itself, but other times, it may need antibiotics.
  • Back pain: Testicular pain may result from pinched nerves from slipped or herniated discs.
  • Gastrointestinal issues: One example of a gastrointestinal issue that can cause testicular pain is diverticulitis. Diverticulitis is an inflammation of pouches in the intestines.
  • It is best to see a doctor if any of the following symptoms accompany testicular pain:

  • discoloration of the testicles
  • nausea
  • unusual, bloody, or cloudy discharge from the penis
  • testicular swelling
  • vomiting
  • pain that gets worse over time
  • Anyone with symptoms of testicular torsion should seek emergency medical attention. Without treatment, any condition that affects blood flow could result in loss of the testicle or surrounding parts.

    If a person experiences swelling or pain in one or both testicles, it is best to see a doctor. They should seek immediate medical attention if the pain causes nausea and vomiting.

    In cases of testicular torsion, the sooner a person seeks help, the more likely they can receive prompt attention for restoring blood flow.

    Medical treatments are available for most causes of testicular pain.

    A Case Of Adult Acute Idiopathic Scrotal Edema

    Background. A 40-year-old man presented to a hospital emergency department with acute-onset, bilateral, painless swelling of the scrotum, which had developed progressively over the previous 12 h. He was physically well with no remarkable medical history, and was not taking any medication. He had no history of allergies or trauma (including insect bites to the genitalia), no urinary symptoms, and was not sexually active.

    Investigations. Physical examination, assessment of erythrocyte sedimentation rate, white blood cell count, renal function panel, urine microscopic analysis, urine cultures, transillumination, and scrotal ultrasonography.

    Diagnosis. Acute idiopathic scrotal edema.

    Management. The patient received expectant management and treatment with an NSAID to relieve his inflammation. He was discharged from hospital and his symptoms resolved within 72 h of onset of treatment.

    Is Scrotal Tightening Really A New Plastic Surgery Trend? Study Asks 653 People To Rate Scrotums

    A study of over 600 men and women recently published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology found ... [+] that they could not really identify what constituted a "beautiful scrotum." (Photo: Getty)


    When you tell a guy that he's "good in the sack," you may not be referring to the appearance of his scrotum. After all, it's not clear how much, in general, a guy's scrotal appearance might factor into people's assessments of him as a sexual partner or a significant other or both. Chances are you won't hear too many people say, "He doesn't have a whole lot of redeeming qualities, but my oh my, is his scrotum beautiful. That's why there's going to be another date." In fact, a study of over 600 men and women recent published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology found that they could not really identify what constituted a "beautiful scrotum." Yet, in recent years, you may have heard of a cosmetic surgery procedure called "scrotal tightening" more and more. The big question is how much people really need or want such a procedure versus how much is it being pushed as a sack of you know what?

    The authors of this publication from Medical School Hamburg (Paula Albrecht MSc, and Erich Kasten PhS) and the Aesthetic Compass Praxisgemeinschaft (Carolin Eimer MD) in Hamburg, Germany, had their eyes on the balls for one main reason. They wrote that "tightening of the scrotum...Is a new trend in the aesthetic surgery market." They cited statistics from the German Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons that showed that in 2018 male genitalia procedures consisted of 6.1 percent of all cosmetic surgeries and 4.0% of these male genitalia procedures involved the scrotum.

    That's not necessarily a huge number. It's not as if everyone seems to be jumping into the sac, so to speak. You probably aren't looking around the room, shocked by the number of people who had their scrotums tightened. Of course, it's not easy to get a handle on what other people may have done with their scrotums, since scrotums don't tend to come up in casual conversations. For example, you won't often hear, "Wow, that Florida Marlins game was very tight last night. Speaking of tight..."

    Nevertheless, a Google, Bing, or Duck Duck Go search for the phrase "scrotal tightening" does return quite a few clinics and practices offering this as a procedure. Of course, whenever you search for anything with the word "scrotum" or "scrotal," be careful. Sift through the results first before showing them to others or projecting them on a screen in the main auditorium.

    The scrotal tightening being referenced by the publication is not when someone simply grabs your balls and squeezes. That would be something very different with very different possible goals. Instead, in this case, scrotal tightening refers to when a doctor surgically removes skin and soft tissue from what's often affectionately known as your ball sac. This procedure is otherwise known as a scrotal lift, a man lift, or a scrotoplasty. Scrotoplasties are presumably most often done primarily for aesthetic purposes. It's not common to hear of people complaining about how their scrotal size is interfering with their work or their ability to do daily activities such as communicate. Sure there are exceptions, but you're not going to hear too many people lament, "I meant to take out the trash last night, but my scrotum got in the way."

    The study tried to assess people's perceptions of scrotal attractiveness, which is a term that typically should not come up during a first date. The researchers managed to recruit 374 women—with an average age of 24.9 years and a range of plus or minus 8.7 years—and 279 men—with an average age of 26.8 years with a range of plus or minus 9.1 year— for the study. The researchers asked each study participant about their porn-watching habits in the six months prior, whether they had a sexual partner, and, if so, how they viewed the attractiveness of their own genitals and their partner's genitals on a sliding scale that went from a low of negative three, corresponding to "very unattractive," up to a positive three, corresponding to "very attractive." If you happen to be living around Hamburg, Germany, and see your partner carrying a paper with your name and a "-3" on it, you may want to ask him or her some questions.

    The researchers then showed each participant frontal photographs of four different scrotums. They didn't specify who owned these scrotums and whether they (the people and not just the scrotums) were famous, although the publication did say, "We extend our special thanks to the four men who were willing to allow us to photograph their scrotums for the study." You could say that they "sac"-rificed their time for the study.

    In order to generate even more photos of different scrotums—because who wouldn't want more pictures of different scrotums—the researchers then adjusted the images of these four scrotums in various ways such as stretching out their length and width. This yielded a total of 36 different images of scrotums for each participant to review and rate on a sliding scale of -3 to +3.

    So did the participants have any particular hang-ups about any of the scrotums? Well, in a word, yes. In several words, the participants really didn't like any of the scrotums. It was sort of like trying to pick which of the three Star Wars prequels was the best. A summary sentence from the publication summed up the results with: "Overall, almost none of the 36 images we showed participants was [sic] rated as 'attractive', as most values were in the negative range. Only a less negative assessment was found among men than among women." So, surprise, surprise, this study showed that people in general do not like to look at photos of scrotums. And as another shocker, women were even less OK with the photos of scrotums than men were.

    Now, you may say that looking at photos of scrotums isn't the same as seeing them in the flesh, so to speak. But scrotums aren't exactly like the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Green Day, or the Rolling Stones where people may say, "They are much better when seen live." No, there's a good chance that you'd have gotten similar results if this had been an in-person scrotal review. All of this led the study authors to conclude, "Ultimately, it was barely possible to identify a 'beautiful' scrotum; we must instead speak of the least ugly."

    This does make one wonder how much of this whole scrotoplasty thing arose organically because people were actually demanding such a procedure versus those trying to create demand for such a procedure telling everyone that their scrotums need some "rejuvenating." Dilara Bahceci, PhD, the Head of Communications for Psylo, called scrotum tightening the "new unnecessary cosmetic surgery," on Twitter:

    This is a continuing issue in plastic surgery. There are certainly times when plastic surgery is needed because the structure of a body party is causing real functional problems. However, as has been seen with both male and female body parts, entertainment and marketing efforts can make it seem like there's some type of ideal appearance that everyone should strive for when in actuality no such ideal exists. In most cases, appearance is highly subjective and conditioned by what we see in advertising, movies, and television. OK, in the case of scrotums, it's probably more advertising since TV shows don't tend to be scrotum-based. When selling products and services, there can be a tendency to promote one-size-fits-all solution rather than celebrate the variety in life. And when it comes to scrotums, it's definitely not a one-size-fits-ball situation.


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